Giselle's Books

Reading: Rediscovering traditional values beaches leisure time arelaxed attitude by Shanzhai Lyric, 03.09.2023, SYSTEMA · Marseille

Rediscovering traditional values beaches leisure time a relaxed attitude

Shanzhai Lyric

SYSTEMA, Palais Carli · Marseille

Reflecting on Marseille as a port-city, trade hub, and space of leisure fantasy, Shanzhai Lyric read a poem composed for the occasion from fragments of “Incomplete Poem,” a shifting archive of poetry-garments which they consider to form one long text moving across bodies and landscapes.

“Incomplete Poem (laundry line)” is on view in a purpose-built reading apparatus at Giselle’s through November, incorporating new poetry-garment acquisitions culled from the informal market places of Marseille.

Established in 2015, Shanzhai Lyric investigates global trade networks, informal economies, and the poetics of counterfeit goods. 山寨, or “shanzhai,” translates to “mountain hamlet,” but also means “counterfeit” in contemporary Chinese usage. The group takes inspiration from shanzhai t-shirts produced in China that circulate globally, often emblazoned with non-standard English phrases expressing a radical disregard for the norms of branding. Recent presentations include MIT School of Architecture and Planning, MoMA PS1, Henry Moore Institue, SculptureCenter, Amant, Canal Projects, Abrons Arts Center, Women’s Art Library, and Artists Space.

Se penchant sur Marseille en tant que ville portuaire, plaque tournante du commerce et espace de fantasmes et de loisirs, Shanzhai Lyric lira un poème composé pour l'occasion à partir de fragments de "Incomplete Poem", une archive mouvante de vêtements-poèmes considérés comme un long texte se déplaçant entre et à travers les corps et les paysages.

"Incomplete Poem (laundry line)" est exposé avec un appareil de lecture spécialement conçu à cet effet chez Giselle's jusqu'en novembre, incorporant de nouvelles acquisitions de vêtements-poèmes provenant des marchés informels de Marseille.

Créé en 2015, Shanzhai Lyric étudie les réseaux commerciaux mondiaux, les économies informelles et la poétique des produits contrefaits. 山寨, ou "shanzhai", se traduit par "hameau de montagne", mais signifie également "contrefaçon" dans l'usage chinois contemporain. Le groupe s'inspire des t-shirts shanzhai produits en Chine qui circulent dans le monde entier, souvent ornés de phrases en anglais non-standard, exprimant un mépris radical pour les normes de l'image de marque. Shanzhai Lyric ont présenter leur travail à MIT School of Architecture and Planning, MoMA PS1, Henry Moore Institue, SculptureCenter, Amant, Canal Projects, Abrons Arts Center, Women’s Art Library, and Artists Space.

Rediscovering traditional values beaches leisure time a relaxed attitude​ Shanzhai Lyric performing at Palais Carli, Marseille during SYSTEMA 2023.
Rediscovering traditional values beaches leisure time a relaxed attitude​ Shanzhai Lyric performing at Palais Carli, Marseille during SYSTEMA 2023.


Evening reading, with Hannah Black and Mayra Rodríguez-Castro, 28.08.2022, Giselle’s Books · Marseille

Evening reading with Hannah Black and Mayra Rodríguez-Castro

Organized on the occasion of PENUMBRA, by Hannah Black, Juliana Huxtable & And Or Forever at OCTO Productions, Marseille.

Giselle’s Books · Marseille

On the occasion of PENUMBRA, by Hannah Black, Juliana Huxtable & And Or Forever, which opens on Saturday the 27th of August at OCT0 Productions, Giselle's Books will host an evening reading by Hannah Black and Mayra Rodríguez Castro on Sunday the 28th at 8pm.

HANNAH BLACK works across mediums from video to performance and writing, most recently exhibiting The Meaning of Life, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Canada (2022); Wheel of Fortune at gtaExhibitions, Zurich, Switzerland (2021);  Beginning, End, None at ORG Project (2020); and Dede, Eberhard, Phantom at Kunstverein Braunschweig Germany (2019). She has published widely, including in ArtforumTexte zur KunstTankHarpers4 Columns and The New Inquiry. She is the author of Life (2017), which she co-wrote with performance artist Juliana Huxtable, and Dark Pool Party (2015), an auto-fictional collection of poems and texts. In 2022, Capricious Publishing released her novella, Tuesday or September or the End.

MAYRA A. RODRÍGUEZ CASTRO is a writer and translator. She is the editor of Dream of Europe: selected seminars and interviews: 1984-1992 (Kenning Editions, 2020). Her writing and contributions appear in Social Text Journal, The Poetry Project, South As a State of Mind among others. Rodríguez lives across cities.

À l'occasion de PENUMBRA, par Hannah Black, Juliana Huxtable et And Or Forever, qui ouvre ce Samedi 27 Août à OCT0 Productions, Giselle's Books sont heureux de vous inviter  à une lecture par Hannah Black et Mayra Rodríguez Castro le dimanche 28 Août à 20 heures.

HANNAH BLACK works across mediums from video to performance and writing, most recently exhibiting The Meaning of Life, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Canada (2022); Wheel of Fortune at gtaExhibitions, Zurich, Switzerland (2021);  Beginning, End, None at ORG Project (2020); and Dede, Eberhard, Phantom at Kunstverein Braunschweig Germany (2019). She has published widely, including in ArtforumTexte zur KunstTankHarpers4 Columns and The New Inquiry. She is the author of Life (2017), which she co-wrote with performance artist Juliana Huxtable, and Dark Pool Party (2015), an auto-fictional collection of poems and texts. In 2022, Capricious Publishing released her novella, Tuesday or September or the End.

MAYRA A. RODRÍGUEZ CASTRO is a writer and translator. She is the editor of Dream of Europe: selected seminars and interviews: 1984-1992 (Kenning Editions, 2020). Her writing and contributions appear in Social Text Journal, The Poetry Project, South As a State of Mind among others. Rodríguez lives across cities.

evening reading with Hannah Black and Mayra Rodríguez-Castro at Giselle's Books
Hannah Black, Juliana Huxtable, And Or Forever, Penumbra, 2021. Courtesy of the artists, Arcadia Missa, London and Project Native Informant, London.


Hoot 7 – Book Launch, 20.05.2022, Ola Radio · Marseille

HOOT #7 – Book Launch

With performances by INVENTORY

Ola Radio · Marseille

Gufo, Giselle’s Books and Ola Radio invite you to the launch of HOOT #7.

Following Hoot's invitation, Inventory and Giselle’s Books had two long conversations about their publishing projects, travels, their past, and future, but more significantly: their present. If these interviews help us get closer to their enterprise as an art collective, they also definitely uncover their ability to move through time with an uncanny vision.
From Inventory’s eponymous journal to their interventions, video works, and their exhibitions, among which A doctrine of scattered occasions at Giselle’s Books in 2021, this issue of Hoot helps connect the dots in Inventory's confidential but dissident and subversive practice.
For the occasion, Inventory proposes a reading as well as looped projections of their films. 
co-published by Giselle’s Books & Hoot.
Graphic design by Traduttore traditore.

Gufo, Giselle’s Books et Ola Radio vous invitent au lancement de HOOT #7.
Invités par Hoot, Inventory et Giselle’s Books se sont entretenus autour de leurs projets de publications, voyages, passés et à venir, mais aussi de manière plus significative de leur présent.
Si ces conversations aident à nous renseigner sur leurs activités en tant que collectif, elles dévoilent surtout leur capacité à naviguer le temps avec un regard particulier.
À partir de leur journal éponyme, au travers leurs interventions, leurs vidéos et leurs expositions, dont A doctrine of scattered occasions à Giselle’s Books en 2021, ce numéro de HOOT nous aide à lever les zones d’ombre dans la pratique confidentielle mais subversive de Inventory.
Pour l’occasion, Inventory propose une lecture ainsi qu’une vidéo projection en boucle de leurs films.
Co-publié par Giselle’s Books & Hoot.
Design par Traduttore traditore.
Book launch of HOOT #7 at Ola Radio, Marseille.
Performance by Inventory, during the Book launch of HOOT #7 at Ola Radio, Marseille.
Book launch of HOOT #7 at Ola Radio, Marseille.