Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
The Opening
Mayra A. Rodríguez Castro
To return in you
To return in you
and pressed upon you
feel the air nothing else
to contend liberties exist
by molding the verge
of a single way
a path for spring
next to you in this body
and nowhere else
not to leave the enclosure
but remain embracing
inhaling your shape
to believe in crevices
of form, of something inside
me conducting this frame
a place to assemble
the tactile, to be there
to you disposable
called by life in your chest
the bronchial rivers reveal
the mechanics
of what I am certain is
inside you, I press upon you
the obverse of mine
if you are here I must also
be somewhere in this interior
made of what I cannot name.
Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Reflecting on Marseille as a port-city, trade hub, and space of leisure fantasy, Shanzhai Lyric read a poem composed for the occasion from fragments of “Incomplete Poem,” a shifting archive...
Incomplete Poem by Shanzhai Lyric is a shifting archive of shanzhai t-shirts sourced from Hong Kong to New York, which they consider one long poem moving across bodies and landscapes....
The curator of the exhibition Don’t Be Gay: J.D.s (1985-1991) held at Giselle’s Books engage in an extended conversation with the co-founder of J.D.s. They discuss the fascinating origins of...