Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Hervé Georges Ic, Loré Lixemberg
26.08 – 28.08.2022
Palais Carli · Marseille
Giselle’s Books is pleased to invite you to the first edition of SYSTEMA, from Friday the 26th to Sunday the 28th of August at Palais Carli, Marseille.
Giselle’s Books will showcase a duo presentation of Hervé Ic and Loré Lixenberg for the occasion.
Giselle’s Books vous invite à la première édition de SYSTEMA, du Vendredi 26 au Dimanche 28 Août 2022 au Palais Carli, Marseille.
Pour l'occasion, Giselle’s Books exposera le travail d'Hervé Ic et de Loré Lixenberg.
Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Reflecting on Marseille as a port-city, trade hub, and space of leisure fantasy, Shanzhai Lyric read a poem composed for the occasion from fragments of “Incomplete Poem,” a shifting archive...
Incomplete Poem by Shanzhai Lyric is a shifting archive of shanzhai t-shirts sourced from Hong Kong to New York, which they consider one long poem moving across bodies and landscapes....
The curator of the exhibition Don’t Be Gay: J.D.s (1985-1991) held at Giselle’s Books engage in an extended conversation with the co-founder of J.D.s. They discuss the fascinating origins of...