Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Giselle’s Books
06.03 – 26.05.2024
Le Magasin CNAC · Grenoble
Miscs is a fictional structure, its launching issue activates the experimental gallery at Le Magasin (Grenoble) and dives into its publishing history. Since the art center's creation in 1986, their activities brought together an eclectic panorama of books and other printed materials. Rather than taking the approach of an anthology, Misc(1) proposes a selection of 73 excerpts bootlegged and available to take away.
After a residency in Grenoble, we became interested in the singular history of piracy in the region’s printing industry. The 19th century saw the development of miscellanies, composite collections combining a variety of excerpts from popular literature, historical anecdotes and cooking recipes. As forerunners to magazines, these artefacts bear witness to a locality and alternative editorial productions.
Misc(1) reactivates this forgotten publication format in an installation that stretches across the gallery, giving a central place to reading and editing. In this gallery turned printing annex, pages can be manipulated in a way that renews the experience of these books and reactivates their circulation.
Miscs est une structure fictive, son numéro de lancement active la galerie expérimentale du Magasin (Grenoble) et plonge dans son histoire éditoriale. Depuis la création du centre d'art en 1986, ses activités rassemblent un panorama éclectique de livres et autres imprimés. Plutôt que d'adopter une démarche anthologique, Misc(1) propose une sélection de 73 extraits facsimilés à sélectionner et à emporter.
Après une résidence à Grenoble, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'histoire singulière de la piraterie dans l'imprimerie de la région. Le XIXe siècle voit se développer les miscellanées, recueils composites réunissant divers extraits de la littérature populaire, des anecdotes historiques et des recettes de cuisine. Précurseurs des magazines, ces objets témoignent d'une localité et de productions éditoriales alternatives.
Misc(1) réactive ce format de publication oublié dans une installation qui s'étend sur toute la galerie, donnant une place centrale à la lecture et à l'édition. Dans cette galerie transformée en annexe d'impression, les pages peuvent être manipulées de manière à renouveler l'expérience de ces livres et à réactiver leur circulation.
Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Reflecting on Marseille as a port-city, trade hub, and space of leisure fantasy, Shanzhai Lyric read a poem composed for the occasion from fragments of “Incomplete Poem,” a shifting archive...
Incomplete Poem by Shanzhai Lyric is a shifting archive of shanzhai t-shirts sourced from Hong Kong to New York, which they consider one long poem moving across bodies and landscapes....
The curator of the exhibition Don’t Be Gay: J.D.s (1985-1991) held at Giselle’s Books engage in an extended conversation with the co-founder of J.D.s. They discuss the fascinating origins of...