Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Coagulum – a momentary clot in the heart of commerce
and other selected films
Giselle’s Books · Marseille
Marking the end of Inventory's exhibition 'A doctrine of scattered occasions', a selection of their films will be projected at Giselle's Books.
The exhibition will exceptionally be open without appointment from 2pm onwards and will be concluded with the projection of : Beton Insel (2004, 8 minutes), Sleepwalkers (2003, 17 minutes) and Coagulum - a momentary clot in the heart of commerce (2002, 19 minutes).
Giselle's Books, 28 Rue des Convalescents, 13001, Marseille
Open from 2 to 9PM. Film screening : 7PM
Marquant la fin de 'A doctrine of scattered occasions', l'exposition du collectif Inventory, une sélection de leurs films seront projetés à Giselle's Books.
L'exposition sera exceptionnellement ouverte sans rendez-vous à partir de 14h, et sera conclue par la projections des films suivants: Beton Insel (2004, 8 minutes), Sleepwalkers (2003, 17 minutes) and Coagulum - a momentary clot in the heart of commerce (2002, 19 minutes).
Giselle's Books, 28 Rue des Convalescents, 13001, Marseille
Ouvert de 14h à 21h. Projection : 19h.
Miscs is a fictional structure, an editorial programme created by Giselle's Books – the artists' book collection co-founded by Lucas Jacques-Witz in Marseille in 2020. The first issue of Miscs...
Reflecting on Marseille as a port-city, trade hub, and space of leisure fantasy, Shanzhai Lyric read a poem composed for the occasion from fragments of “Incomplete Poem,” a shifting archive...
Incomplete Poem by Shanzhai Lyric is a shifting archive of shanzhai t-shirts sourced from Hong Kong to New York, which they consider one long poem moving across bodies and landscapes....
The curator of the exhibition Don’t Be Gay: J.D.s (1985-1991) held at Giselle’s Books engage in an extended conversation with the co-founder of J.D.s. They discuss the fascinating origins of...